I still remember those childhood days when we used to wish that "Please God Somehow cut the power",and being in 90s our wish was successfully granted by state electricity board and the moment light went off, a melodious roar of children from each and every house sums up to thank god and also to tell their counterparts that it's time to play our famous and favourite game like luka-chupi & ice-water. In those days moonlight was sufficient enough to help u say dhappi...We knew every child within two three streets as we used to play tournaments of various games ranging from Pithu to Chain to Cricket and even Posam-Pa on Sunday.

Talking of Sunday.There used to be situation like curfew at 9 am when "Krishna" used to be aired.Personally, my sunday morning used to start with the sounds of songs from rangoli. You can't accuse me that I keep playing all day in the evening, as when our parents (by hook or crook) force us to study we used to read champak by hiding it under social science book. The smell of a newly bought books had always been a inspiration to study.
School were also dangerous those days especially on monday and wednesday when everyone has to come in white dress. Although that wasn't the scariest part the hard thing was to keep your white shoes clean,as the ones who didn't come with the clean one used to apply a layer of chalk on it.In those times we used to respect teacher so much that even a scolding by them used to bring tears in our eyes.
Those lunch sharing moments,and the feeling after getting an excellent in the test will always remain cherishable.
In those times, we always wanted to be sick,so that we can get more attention than our siblings.
Stealing sweets were our favourite past time along with collecting cards which came free with center fresh. Barter System existed in those times as u can get one comics in exchange of others.Maybe social networking was not present still we used to have more than 20 friends, who kept inviting us in their birthday parties.Talking of Birthday,they were not so costly in those times as you can celebrate it with a packet of Kismi Bar with an added privilege of going to school wearing a colorful dress with no headache of homework.
Those were the times when the only serious problems we used to face were, when our ball got stuck in some sewage line or on the verandah of an arch-rival Aunty and when we used to forget our H.W copy in class.
There are so many things which remind me of that indelible great era in which we spent our initial days and also provoke me to wonder that, whether those days were the Best?? or Best is yet to come?. The answer to this eternal question can never be found. But I sincerely wish that every child in coming generation will go through all these "Choti Choti Magar Moti Bate" and will interact with his friends in the parks instead of sticking to the quite addicting video games and social networking sites.

Talking of Sunday.There used to be situation like curfew at 9 am when "Krishna" used to be aired.Personally, my sunday morning used to start with the sounds of songs from rangoli. You can't accuse me that I keep playing all day in the evening, as when our parents (by hook or crook) force us to study we used to read champak by hiding it under social science book. The smell of a newly bought books had always been a inspiration to study.
School were also dangerous those days especially on monday and wednesday when everyone has to come in white dress. Although that wasn't the scariest part the hard thing was to keep your white shoes clean,as the ones who didn't come with the clean one used to apply a layer of chalk on it.In those times we used to respect teacher so much that even a scolding by them used to bring tears in our eyes.
Those lunch sharing moments,and the feeling after getting an excellent in the test will always remain cherishable.

Stealing sweets were our favourite past time along with collecting cards which came free with center fresh. Barter System existed in those times as u can get one comics in exchange of others.Maybe social networking was not present still we used to have more than 20 friends, who kept inviting us in their birthday parties.Talking of Birthday,they were not so costly in those times as you can celebrate it with a packet of Kismi Bar with an added privilege of going to school wearing a colorful dress with no headache of homework.
Those were the times when the only serious problems we used to face were, when our ball got stuck in some sewage line or on the verandah of an arch-rival Aunty and when we used to forget our H.W copy in class.
There are so many things which remind me of that indelible great era in which we spent our initial days and also provoke me to wonder that, whether those days were the Best?? or Best is yet to come?. The answer to this eternal question can never be found. But I sincerely wish that every child in coming generation will go through all these "Choti Choti Magar Moti Bate" and will interact with his friends in the parks instead of sticking to the quite addicting video games and social networking sites.
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